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康宁长青医疗中心成立于 2000 年,向社区提供优质服务。 我们很自豪地说,我们已经在纽约市的曼哈顿,皇后区,布鲁克林区,史丹顿岛等地区发展了我们的医疗服务。 我们的诊所致力于使用最新的先进技术医疗器械提供卓越的护理服务。 我们所有的医生都拥有丰富的临床经验,并致力于为您提供最高质量的患者护理。
Yong Kang & Evergreen Medical
First established in 2000, Yong Kang & Evergreen Medical Clinic opened its doors to serving the community. We are proud to say we have grown and expanded our medical services at further office locations throughout New York City. Our clinics are dedicated to providing outstanding care services with the most recent advanced technological medical instruments. All of our physicians have profound clinical experiences and are devoted to providing you with the highest quality of patient care.
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